Screenplay and directed by : Fabianny Deschamps
with Virginie Reyes, Nathalie Bernard , Benjamin Baroche , Vincent Schmitt
DOP: Tommaso Fiorilli
Sound : Jean luc Peart /Alexandre Hecker
Set : Vincent Amiel /Anne Pinguet
Editing: Agathe Cauvin
Producer :Nathalie Trafford
Music : Daniel Johnston
Short film / 28 min/ 35mm/ 2006
Synopsis :
Lucille, 11 years old, lives with her parents in a public swimming pool. She refuses to brave the deep end, as she rejects her own confused and ambiguous desires for the swimming instructor.
Screenplay and directed by : Fabianny Deschamps
with Virginie Reyes, Nathalie Bernard , Benjamin Baroche , Vincent Schmitt
DOP: Tommaso Fiorilli
Sound : Jean luc Peart /Alexandre Hecker
Set : Vincent Amiel /Anne Pinguet
Editing: Agathe Cauvin
Producer :Nathalie Trafford
Music : Daniel Johnston
Short film / 28 min/ 35mm/ 2006
Synopsis :
Lucille, 11 years old, lives with her parents in a public swimming pool. She refuses to brave the deep end, as she rejects her own confused and ambiguous desires for the swimming instructor.